Laser Dentistry

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Laser Dentistry:The new age of dentistry

Lasers are fast becoming the new way to have your dental work performed.

Try our treatment out, we know you will be amazed by the results.

  • Fewer Needles and Drills
  • Preservation of natural, healthy teeth whilst targeting decay.
  • Less discomfort during and after treatments
  • Fewer visits to the dentist
  • Protects teeth against further decay
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Better treatment outcomes
Try our treatment out, we know you will be amazed by the results

Of the many treatments laser dentistry can offer, laser fillings is the one that will most change your visit to the dentist. In these new treatments a dental laser is used instead of a drill to remove decay before a filling is placed in the tooth.

The greatest benefit of laser fillings is that needles and drills are usually not required! This means no more high-pitched drilling noises and no more numb lips. Occasionally, a laser dentist will need to use a drill – for instance to remove amalgam. Also, a needle may sometimes be necessary for some patients, especially those with highly sensitive teeth. However, because lasers are effective in reducing sensitivity, those with sensitive teeth will benefit from reduced sensitivity after the filling.

Lasers Target Decay & Preserve Healthy Teeth

The reason that lasers are ideal for fillings is that they selectively target and remove the decay. Lasers are more accurate at drilling teeth than conventional drills. They remove the minimum amount of tooth necessary to perform the filling. Conventional drilling can cause tiny cracks in the tooth – these do not occur with lasers.

How Long Does It Take?

Laser fillings take about the same amount of time as a normal filling. If you require multiple fillings, the laser will actually reduce the amount of time you spend in the dental chair. And unlike conventional filings, laser fillings can be done in all parts of the mouth during one visit.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser is often confused with UV heat lamps that heat a gel to create a re-action on the tooth surface. These lamps are broadband light and can heat the pulp of the tooth, which is undesirable.

Laser uses a single wavelength of light is much more targeted with its interaction with dental tissue.This unique method means virtually all types of stained teeth can be treated.

These techniques and unique laser are used in the Smartbleach® treatment are a result of extensive research over more than six years. It began with the general observation that people living in countries with a sunnier climate, tended to have whiter teeth.

Smartbleach® works by using a laser to produce pure green light from the sunlight spectrum and matching this green light to a Smartbleach® patented red gel containing a special, non-acidic, preparation of hydrogen peroxide. Red and green are complementary colours and the consequent Smartbleach® interaction is able to reach large, light absorbing molecules deep in the teeth, changing them into smaller

molecules which reflect light. The result is a whiter, brighter teeth. Smartbleach® is also able to stabilise the smaller molecules, stopping them reforming into large ones. This means that the treatment lasts longer.

Here is a description of a typical Smartbleach® treatment. Firstly, the teeth are cleaned and dried by the dentist. A protective coating is applied to the gums and then the special Smartbleach® red gel is applied to the teeth.

Each tooth is then exposed to the laser for thirty seconds during which the patient either feels a tingling sensation or nothing at all. The gel is removed and the mouth rinsed. This process is repeated usually for a total of three applications. The whole treatment lasts from one to one and a quarter hours.

An exciting aspect of Smartbleach® is that the results are visible immediately, so the patient can judge for themselves, after each application, if they need to continue or if they have reached the desired result.

At the end of the treatment, the teeth are given a fluoride application activated by the Smartbleach® laser. Research has shown that this builds up resistance to decay, so Smartbleach® gives you not only whiter teeth but also stronger teeth.

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